
New Member
my classic rangie (76) is now sporting a defender body.
The straight up gear stick gets so close to the dash in 1st and 3rd that i sometimes crack my knuckles.
is there an easy fix for this?
or should i go to the effort of warming up the stick and bending it closer me (if so how risky is this and whats the best way to do it?).
the other thing is that the base of the stick is on the other side of some checker plate, so ideally i would like to avoid having to pull it up, but if i need to the i will.
Yes and no. Yes it'll weaken it, no you won't be able to bend it by hand once cooled. It won't go like a stick of toffie afterwards. And if you manage to bend it cold, then you've fooked up your selectors by then!

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