
New Member
i have purchased a landy series 2A which is an absolute beast, the engine has been replaced with a 3.5 litre Perkins diesel, instead of the origional V8 petrol. The new engine is a low revving engine, (which i believe came from a forklift) so the gear ratios are not very well suited. The previous owner never used the low ratio gears because 1st is crawling pace, and the low ratios are literaly snail pace.

Is there a way to change the gear ratios in the box, perhaps remove 1st, shift all the other cogs across and add a higher cog where 4th would have been? (it will happily pull 3rd gear from standstil) Or am i better off just leaving it how it was origionally intended and installing an overdrive instead?

thanks in advance, Tom
you will probably find its easier and cheaper to just drop an overdrive in it. you can get em for next to nowt these days, try ebay ;)
Thanks very much,
i think in the long run a different transfer box will be the right move. the previous owner has taught me not to put a price on doing things propperly, by the state of it when i purchased it. (Ebay)

the way things are looking, i might be installing an overdrive of some description aswell in the future, it does 37mph flat out... but would you have it any other way?
what about dropping an original 2 1/4 in there. All that low end grunt can't be good for the gearbox. I don't think that the 2a ever had a V8 fitted. I thought the first V8 was the Stage 1. I have been wrong on several occasions before though.
yeah, but it will pull anything and go anywhere. i wouldnt have thought there would be any problems with the gearbox as long as you dont abuse it. is this something i should be watching out for?
fairly sure it had a v8 in it at some point, but they are incredibly thursty... i heard from someone that landrover actually put perkins diesels into some models? possibly for the military?

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