
Hi Guys,
Ive a 2004 D2 with 130,000k on the clock. Yesterday after driving to work with no issues my wife phones me to tell me the gear stick is very stiff and wont engage reverse, i go check it out and sure enough it will go into first with a bit of wiggling but not reverse at all. The last couple of times I've driven car I thought sometimes the gears were harder to engage, for instance changing down to third where the gear lever initially didn't want to engage (felt like the gate was closed?) Could this be just simply low gearbox oil or the bias plate? I'm going back this morning in daylight to look.

Any advice welcome.

does stick return to center (in line with 3rd and 4th)if pushed to one side ,bias spring been broken will show as a none centering stick ,the broken part can lay in a position that hinders gear change, unless bias plate is adjusted so that 3rd and 4th are the normal rest position for the stick they can be harder to select, it could also be a loose grub screw on selector shaft ,stiffness can be the yoke ball or lever pivot
does stick return to center (in line with 3rd and 4th)if pushed to one side ,bias spring been broken will show as a none centering stick ,the broken part can lay in a position that hinders gear change, unless bias plate is adjusted so that 3rd and 4th are the normal rest position for the stick they can be harder to select, it could also be a loose grub screw on selector shaft ,stiffness can be the yoke ball or lever pivot
Thanks James, I'm just going back to it now in daylight. Trouble for me is where Truck failed, wifes work wont be too pleased with it staying put while I try to fix it.

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