
New Member
i have a 1974 sereis 3. it has been running fine untill today. i reversed onto my drive last night and parked it up. i turned of the ignition and then accidently knocked the red lever down so i just pushed it back up. I came to use it today and it wont select any gears while its started, almost as if the clutch isnt working, i tried starting it in gear but it wont start when its in gear only in neutral. I have pressed the yellow knob down and tried to pull the red know down into neutral and then down into low ratio to release the yellow knob but the red know will not move, its as if it is stuck in high.

i did manage to get it into reverse but it still moved back even with the clutch depressed.

any help or suggestion on how to get my gear box working again would be helped.

If you do not use 4x4 often, these levers have a habit of siezing. Try running a lot of WD40 or something similar down the rods, or take middle seat out and look at the top of the gearbox to see what you can throw WD40 at. Then spend a bit of time wiggling everything to get the fluid moving and hopefully that should do it.
Hi bcblackb,

I have had the same trouble for the last two days, but mine has been sitting for two months, getting the running gear overhauled(everything but the gearbox). Have been starting her up every week, but as the wheels were off she hasn't moved for a while. Went to move her yesterday and have exactly the same symptoms as you describe.

Not much help I know, but if I come up with the solution I will let you know on here, maybe you could do the same.

i managed to get her moving and it was quite simple, she had run out of clutch fluid so i went down to the garage and got some dot 4 and filled her up. I then slowly depressed the clutch and left it depressed for 1 minute and slowly released it again. I repeated this 4 times then started her up and she went into gear. Now im not sure if i have a leak or if she had just ran out so i will have to wait and see what happens this week
Nice one! Mine was quite simple too, would appear to have been a sticky clutch. I put the transfer lever into neutral and the gear lever into first, then started the engine with the clutch pedal depressed. While she was running I was able to 'encourage' the transfer lever into high ratio(there was a bit of a grind and a judder) and Bobs yer mothers brother, all sorted.

I would advise you to bleed the clutch properly to eliminate any air pockets from your investigations.

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