
Hi all,

I'm Shaun, I've been interested in landys (defenders in particular) since I was about 10, I promised myself I'd have one before I turned 20 an lo and behold, I bought a 1996 110 CSW last week, a month before my 20th birthday :D

I live near Peterborough, but only really on the weekends, most of my time is spent up in Doncaster where I'm an apprentice aircraft maintenance technician with BAE systems.

My interest in landys really came from nowhere, I just admired their offroad prowess, rugged build and classlessness. Since owning one and spending a months wages on toys for it, I've learnt that while being mechanically more simple, they can be no less fiddly to work on than a Torndao :p

Reading threads on here has already helped no end, looking forward to chatting with you guys and meeting up for some offroad fun.


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