
New Member
Has anyone tried or heard of a conversion kit to swap the rear drum to discs?

Is it feasible? I'm fed up with braking with what feels on par to the friction of cheese? Too many near misses on somerset and welsh back roads, :mad: usually with Beamers that the owners simply refuse to move over least they get their wheels dirty. (also true of old people, mercs, audis, school run brigade and Rangerovers etc).

There is the Callaway discs, used in US. I think i posted a pic of them in the thread 'beefing up'
I would say the brakes on the hippo are pretty good. Change the fluid and get some braided SS hoses.
was a question about it a couple of issues ago in land rover magazine. verdict was, if they are set up right with good fluid and hoses they should be easily good enough to stop it. If you change the rears to discs, the vehicle would be "horrendously over braked" and it would upset the whole balance and stability under braking.
I've always found Freelander brakes very good. The peddle feel can sometimes get a bit iffy if the drums get full of mud & water, but still work fine.
I'd hugest that your brakes need attention, as it sound as if there is something seriously wrong with them, or, dare I say this, review your driving style!
I've always found Freelander brakes very good. The peddle feel can sometimes get a bit iffy if the drums get full of mud & water, but still work fine.
I'd hugest that your brakes need attention, as it sound as if there is something seriously wrong with them, or, dare I say this, review your driving style!

Totally agree, check the brakes are working as they should then spend your money on some advanced driving lessons.
lookskyward1 and Davec:cheeky bar-stewards..:p

Brakes serviced not so long ago, with new set installed.

It just beggars belief imho to fit drums to a heavy(ish) car such as the gaylander. My toyota is similar size and has all round discs and gives confidence when braking. Freebie brakes just feel lacking..

If you've never rounded a 90 deg bend and met a fossil in a 200 series rover or hyundi etc etc puttling along oblvious to all around them then get yurself outta the school run queue and go driving.

Nought wrong with my driving, I drive to arrive,:cool: but where I work means I do several hundred backroad miles a week and inevitably run into the usual crew!!!!:mad:

Anyway point was to ascertain whether I could upgrade my brakes, to which the answer seems to be no.. Therefore I'll up the pad quality,change the fluid, then suck it and see...:rolleyes:

Thanks those that offered helpful opinions.
Why did they change the pad shape / discs on post 2000 models. Are these better??

What year is your Freelander??

Having previously been a Rover 200 driver (220 Petrol :) ) I notice that the front pads are identical. I had good service out of EBC greenstuff pads, although they did wear the discs out slightly quicker than standard Halfords / mintex / ferodo pads.

Poss worth a try??


You would only really want to do this if you were substantially upgrading the fronts as well otherwise you end up with a tail happy car, buggered 4x4 and a big accident.
lookskyward1 and Davec:cheeky bar-stewards..:p

If you've never rounded a 90 deg bend and met a fossil in a 200 series rover or hyundi etc etc puttling along oblvious to all around them then get yurself outta the school run queue and go driving.

Nought wrong with my driving, I drive to arrive,:cool: but where I work means I do several hundred backroad miles a week and inevitably run into the usual crew!!!!:mad:

Not cheeky at all, but a fair assesment of your attitude to other road users.

So you say you have all this driving experience but still you drive around corners so fast you cannot stop safely in time, even though you have previoiusly had problems with 'slow' drivers. You need to re assess your driving style NOW, you are an accident waiting to happen. A basic rule is, 'you should be able to stop within the distance you can see to be clear'.

Advanced driving is not about driving slowly, it is about driving within your and your vehicles limits safely. I suggest you enrole in a course before you are banned for dangerous driving. You may also learn some new tricks that enhance your driving enjoyment.
lookskyward1 and Davec:cheeky bar-stewards..:p

It just beggars belief imho to fit drums to a heavy(ish) car such as the gaylander. My toyota is similar size and has all round discs and gives confidence when braking. Freebie brakes just feel lacking..

Have a look at the type of brakes fitted to heavy(ish) HGV's.
If someone competent has checked your brakes and you are still having anxious moments it would suggest you take advice from the comments others have made.
lookskyward1: Having never met me your opinion counts for nought. I'm extremely courtious when driving and as a father of two little ones I drive safely. I simply refer to a couple of instants where I rounded a corner and met someone in the middle of the road where I had to brake hard because they made no attempt to even adjust their path for whatever reason. I'm talking fairly tight roads here and often covered in mud. Usually just at an appropriate moment. Which if I was the speed crazed lunatic you obviously think I am (if i were i certainly wouldn't drive a freebie) I'd have to be suicidal.

Also (JonFre) as a mechanical engineer (of the dirty hands variety) I'm qualified to work on various things including aircraft and cars I'd admit to being competent enough to work on and assess the mechanical components in my own car. (wiggly crap is a different matter however- tis white mans magic). As for HGV brakes, they've got a fair bit of drag and engine braking going on to help out. Much like a 747 or a Harrier if your asking, they've got relatively small brakes but least they've got air brakes and reverse thrust.

So if you can't take a bit of humour ( i even like some bmw drivers) adjust your comb-over, wipe the verbal turd out of yur beard and take yourself outside for a good talking too. Leave your holier than though crap out of my threads... 20 years of driving no accidents and no points. Thankyou!!! (now i've gotta touch some wood:mad: grrr)


Anyone else tried the EBC greenstuff's as G13SJC suggested, let me know. I heard they are good before and that they like eating your discs. (gotta be better than the ebay specials I've got on. I'm thinking they are at least part of the problem. (the other being my manic road hog attitude, obviously)

Its for a 99 freebie. :)
Er. . .not gonna get into your gurls tat. . .but and this is just my opinion mind ,i think shoes on the rear of a 4x4 is a very good idea , its a known fact that shoe's work better when wet than discs, and the braking on the said vehickle is very good anyhows :) :) :)
Whilst I fully respect, without necessarily agreeing, with Ming’s opinions of drum brakes off road, I, along with many others, was surprised when the Freelander came out with drums on the rear, especially given that by then even the Defender had had discs on the back for several years.
The reason is Land Rover have very high standards for handbrakes, requiring them to hold the vehicle at its full train weight (that’s maximum gross weight of vehicle and largest allowed trailer) on a 1 in 3 hill. (I might be slightly out with the figures, but you get the idea.) They felt that to get that kind of efficiency from a parking brake they couldn’t use discs (I believe many Citroen owners would agree with that) so all Land Rovers use drums for their parking brakes., so the decision was made to fit drums to the rear of the Freelander with a conventional handbrake.
The reason is Land Rover have very high standards for handbrakes, requiring them to hold the vehicle at its full train weight (that’s maximum gross weight of vehicle and largest allowed trailer) on a 1 in 3 hill. (I might be slightly out with the figures, but you get the idea.) They felt that to get that kind of efficiency from a parking brake they couldn’t use discs (I believe many Citroen owners would agree with that) so all Land Rovers use drums for their parking brakes., so the decision was made to fit drums to the rear of the Freelander with a conventional handbrake.

Two things I dislike with Freelander 2 - The enormous rear hatch and disc brakes on the rear. I think disc fronts with rear drums are an ideal set up for the average car, the discs do most of the work and get rid of the heat, when they wear its easy to replace pads and discs. The 'fit and forget' rear drums have self servo and good handbrake action. My Citroen (Sorry Davec) ZX with this set up was excellent, never had to even look at the rears in 60k miles including a lot of towing (Heavy) at legal max speeds.
All round discs are what the advertising men and general public, not engineers, want.
I wonder if newcomers to 4x4's forget their vehicles extra weight when braking?
My comments about Citroens was referring to those models that utilise the discs for the hand brake, I have heard several tales, at least 2 first hand, of vehicles rolling away as the brakes cooled and the discs contracted..
I'm a bit surprised at your praise of ZX brakes, that was my last car before the Freelander. They worked fine, but I found them prone to locking the fronts if you pushed hard on the pedal, but perhaps as a Series III driver I'm a bit heavy footed.
My comments about Citroens was referring to those models that utilise the discs for the hand brake, I have heard several tales, at least 2 first hand, of vehicles rolling away as the brakes cooled and the discs contracted..
I'm a bit surprised at your praise of ZX brakes, that was my last car before the Freelander. They worked fine, but I found them prone to locking the fronts if you pushed hard on the pedal, but perhaps as a Series III driver I'm a bit heavy footed.

My '(Sorry Davec)' was introducng a Citroen that did not have the brakes you referred to.
hi. i am new to this site.Can someone tell me what is this gaylander about.Never heard of it before ?

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