
BBQ king
Can you all make sure you look out for bikers (motorcyclists)!!! i was nearly killed today by a ****er in a gaylander who just pulled out in front of me then gave me the finger when i overtook him!! the next person who does it will! lose there mirror and have there drivers door dented in!
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I think rather than aim this message at Freelander drivers.............You should just aim it at all drivers!
Just because one **** drove badly it doesn't mean that ALL FREELANDER DRIVERS drive like that.

You want to try riding a horse on the road!!
OH and I could say CAN ALL MOTORBIKE RIDERS please slow down when the approach horses on the road instead of flying passed!!!

It's not down to the car/bike people ride/drive it's down to the person behind the wheel/handlebars. :mad:
Can you all make sure you look out for bikers (motorcyclists)!!! i was nearly killed today by a ****er in a gaylander who just pulled out in front of me then gave me the finger when i overtook him!! the next person who does it will! lose there mirror and have there drivers door dented in!

i'll get yer next time, **** !;)
FFS Gman dunt kick his door it'll fall off and hit ya on the head.
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Just carry a water pistol wiff yer. Them freelanders are fooked if they git wet.

thas just a malishuss roomer put about by Slob n yella, there akchewally very weel engineered reliable machines presision built to the best german standards, without compromising landrover reputation !;)

i should really stop drinkin this cheap vino:eek:
A guy on a bike, bent my Dad's wing mirror once. It was on London Bridge in stationary traffic. He bent it in so he could get passed. My Dad turned off his engine.......well he wasn't going anywhere.........he walked up behind the guy on the bike, he had had to stop by then. Tapped him on the shoulder and ask him to go on to the pavement as he wanted to speak to him about his actions............. the guy on the bike did as he asked.
My dad asked him to take off his helmet n get off his bike, the guy refused to do either...............lets just say he ended up on his side with his bike on top of him!! And the people in the cars around him applauding my Dad!
Just becareful who you hit...........It could back fire!!

You will just have to learn to ride defensively..............LIKE THE REST OF US!
it wunt me i wouldn't ride in london too dangerous! i only do **** like that if someone has done me wrong in the first place
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I was off down between the rows of traffic down a local dual carraigeway reasonably sensibly an a Disco driver pulled towards the right of the left lane making the gap between him an the van in the right hand lane too narrow for me to get through. I eventually got passed him giving him the finger as I went by. I'll remember his disco an carve him up if an when I get chance, it'll be even more amusing carving him up if I'm in me 90.
My mates dad once shoved a metro through the barriers at a roundabout coz some little tosser cut him up, didnt damage the disco coz it had a boong bar
A guy on a bike, bent my Dad's wing mirror once. It was on London Bridge in stationary traffic. He bent it in so he could get passed. My Dad turned off his engine.......well he wasn't going anywhere.........he walked up behind the guy on the bike, he had had to stop by then. Tapped him on the shoulder and ask him to go on to the pavement as he wanted to speak to him about his actions............. the guy on the bike did as he asked.
My dad asked him to take off his helmet n get off his bike, the guy refused to do either...............lets just say he ended up on his side with his bike on top of him!! And the people in the cars around him applauding my Dad!
Just becareful who you hit...........It could back fire!!

You will just have to learn to ride defensively..............LIKE THE REST OF US!

I bet ya nicked him fer it as well din't ya :D :D
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I,m a biker too but I nearly had a bloke off his Harley with me Td4.
Then again I f**king hate ****s on Harley's

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