Hi boy's & girl's, got a whine on my final drive, agents are sure that its the gearbox not the IRD, 1200 squids to fix it:mad: how come the original tyres last longer than the bearings??? 48K, anyhow, question is, new bearings fitted by my nice local Trans shop for 650 squids including remove and refit box or fit new bearings myself? dropping the box is no problem but does anyone know if there is any silly shimming to do to the bearings on the final drive or are they "fit and play"? No info in Haynes and my RAVE disc only shows the PG1. come on some one must have had the same problem by now!!
Hi boy's & girl's, got a whine on my final drive, agents are sure that its the gearbox not the IRD, 1200 squids to fix it:mad: how come the original tyres last longer than the bearings??? 48K, anyhow, question is, new bearings fitted by my nice local Trans shop for 650 squids including remove and refit box or fit new bearings myself? dropping the box is no problem but does anyone know if there is any silly shimming to do to the bearings on the final drive or are they "fit and play"? No info in Haynes and my RAVE disc only shows the PG1. come on some one must have had the same problem by now!!
Come on peeps, is there no one out there who has suffered this problem??

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