
New Member
Hi All

Has anyone got any info on why part of Garton slack Green Lane in East Yorkshire has the entrance blocked along around 50 metres with mud and turf around 6ft high? tried to get down it today and when i turned in off the main road there was roadworks signs and a blocked lane, the entrance is just outside Garton Village and its not the part that runs between Kirkburn and Garton but the part that runs from Garton onwards to the other side of Driffield (Scarborough and Bridlington end) if your coming from kirkburn you do the first half and then come to where it is split by the road between Driffield and Garton Village, you usually cross this main road and do the second part of the lane, i hope this is maintenance and not the end of a great lane as we don't have many in East Yorks as it is.

Tanks for the help
try a call to the council, im sure they will know. And if they dont they will go have a look im sure.

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