
New Member
:violent:Towards the end of last year and continuing into this year I've come across and suffered the expense or very poor garage services.

It seems garages have moved on from my younger days where they spent time diagnosing and giving good feedback on resolving problems. These days it's a matter of getting the vehicles in and out quickly with no quality checking after a fix being carried out, something I would have thought necessary these days since vehicles have become so complex. Possibly they are too reliant on a diagnostic tool and lost the art of using the old "TRUE MECHANICAL KNOWLEDGE"

This all started when I decided to resolve an oil leek that I had been suffering for some time, nothing major though but annoying. Obviously I researched the oil leaks on these forums first then took it to a garage. I asked them to diagnose the leak and that it would be worth looking around alternator dandy FPR area. I the get a call later that day telling me I need a new FPR and alternator. Being a little suspicious I ask some questions but eventually convinced to buy new but not have the work done at the same garage as the cost was extortionate.

£500 later and the parts are fitted but guess what the leaks are still there.

Next garage informs me that the rear cam shaft cover has split so I arrange to have this replaced. Receive the car back and I notice a small pool of oil on the floor on the drive the next morning. By this time I'm seeing red and so like me pappy always told me "if you want something done right then do it yourself." With this in mind I buy myself a little bendy mirror with a light and proceed to remove all the head cowling. Using my mirror I look at the rear of the head only to find a leak from the half moon section of the rocker gasket but to my horror there was no NEW cam cover and merely a load of instant gasket type crap all over the place. Oh dear another waste of a garage there then. The ongoing complaint with the former garage is another story and still ongoing. Anyway I managed to resolve the leak at the rear and I found where the leak in the front originated from, the oil feed pipe to the alternator. Not having the time to do it myself I, this time, decide to take it to a reputable 4x4 specialist.

Garage 3. In she goes to have the pipe replaced. Later that day I get a phone call to say there is no leak from oil feed pipe but there is from the oil filter. I sigh at this point but once I've gathered my thoughts I then proceed to tell the guy he is wrong and to fit the bloody pipe as requested. I pick the car up later only to get an apology and be told my analysis was correct. Duh! I get the car home and low and behold after monitoring for any leaks over the forthcoming days well there are none and matter solved.

A couple of months go by and bang now I have a fuel leak and one very noisy power steering pump. I manage to discover the leak is from the fuel lines above the tank but sadly my vehicle was not part of the recalls from landrover. I take it to the garage and inform them of the problem and likely cause. A week later I get the call from, and again this is another 4x4 specialist, saying the fuel lines have been replaced along with the power steering hose which had developed a leak. Now this is the odd bit. I'm told I need to bring some diesel because the tank is dry and they can't start it. So I do. I put the fuel in, start the purging process but alas she won't start. Anyway one thing led to another and I picked her up the next day and informed the relay had been replaced as it had blown. Now bear in mind everything apart from fuel and p/steering leak was fine before going in. So anyway I take her home but this time the power steering noise is worse than ever and the fluid leak was far bigger than before plus they hadn't even topped up the power steering fluid to begin with. Naturally I ring the garage and give them a piece of my mind and the basics of quality checking work. I may have been a little sarcastic about Specsavers but I was so annoyed by this time that it may have come across far worse.

Anyway the car is going back in on Tuesday and that's where I am now.

Who knows by the end of this year perhaps I can draft an AA guide on garages to avoid. Now that would be worth something.
Sadly, that is probably par for the course. Unless you use an independent who has got enough nous and experience to do the work properly and self-check, you are always going to have issues.

Main dealers don't want old Discoveries in, they are geared up for the new cars.

I do all my own work as I am an ex truck fitter, my sons do all of theirs on their D2 and Defender.

There are some good guys around, Fenland 4X4 over near Peterborough, Ian King is a good guy and I'd use him again, there must be others that members of the forum can recommend.

The other problem is that many Discoveries are run on a budget that doesn't reflect the complexity of the motor and what is needed to keep it on the road, subsequently many get short-changed on maintenance and end up being a money pit.

They were expensive motors when they were new, not your average family tin box.

its sad! how many times do you here of this? i am a builder and we come across this time and time again, how do they expect to stay in business? a lot of them don't know there arse from there elbow! i would of blown a gasket if i had of found somebody had gunked it up with silicone instead of replacement! ask on here of the where abouts you are, somebody may help you by a decent garage!

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