
Evening all, after some advice on a chassis I've been looking at. its 2nd hand (not used) but sat for a while and is now being sold unused but the seller doesnt know who build it. Are there any tell tale signs to look at that will give it away easy?
Evening all, after some advice on a chassis I've been looking at. its 2nd hand (not used) but sat for a while and is now being sold unused but the seller doesnt know who build it. Are there any tell tale signs to look at that will give it away easy?
Look at the main rails, if they are 4 separate bits of steel I believe that would make it a Richards.
Original rails are two bits of c section welded to make the box, and I think one of the other makes either makes them like this or buys them in like this.
Regardless of maker, if the price is right you would be mad to not buy it.
There isnt any give away like that over it at all. Seems to be made like a richards with 4 pieces but is 3mm metal throughout
Some of the chassis have company logos cut out of the brackets.
Seems to be made like a richards with 4 pieces but is 3mm metal throughout

Although a 4 piece constructions means it is not original land rover galvanised and is not a marshlands, Richards cut out their company logo into one of the upper brackets on each side, se pic below. Not sure how some of the newer manufactures make theirs like Maer or shielder?


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