
New Member
Might seem silly to some but is there any problems with galvanizing steel tubeless or tubed rims? I'm just really annoyed with them corroding, especially powder coated modulars!
I got my rims zinc-arc sprayed (which is a type of galvanising). If you take this option then there is no risk of warping, and so far I am very happy with the result. I got the rims painted by the same people that did the zinc arc spraying as they knew exactly which paints and primers would work best. So far none of the paint has chipped, and there is no rust on the rims - not even around the wheel nuts.
I would be careful with hot dip galvanising wheel rims, because if it leaves a sharp or uneven surface where the rubber sits then you will be endlessly changing tyres..
I have a steel merchant down the road from me well respected in business over 100 years and they won't galvanise wheels as it decreases the strength not even trailer wheels.

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