
New Member
just out of interest has anyone got their chassis galvanised themselves directly rather than buying a complete new chassis ?
What, with the dipping to clean them or during the galvanising process?
It’s the heat during dipping into molten zinc.
Even my local railing company get about ten percent of dipped fencing coming back twisted. Nothing a big hammer can’t sort with a six foot panel. More of a problem with a chassis unless like the manufacturers you send it in a large jig to minimise twist.
It’s the heat during dipping into molten zinc.
Even my local railing company get about ten percent of dipped fencing coming back twisted. Nothing a big hammer can’t sort with a six foot panel. More of a problem with a chassis unless like the manufacturers you send it in a large jig to minimise twist.

GKN don’t send their chassis in a jig, they don’t send them at all to be fair. Are you referring to Richards Chassis?
Just getting mine ready to galve now
I get a lot of work galve in my day job (fabrication business) and you can still get them done at some plants
Wedge group company policy is not to galve second had chassis . Nothing to do with distortion .they have had issues with some geting getting them blasted which is no good as all the hollow bits are full of wax/paint so makes a lot of fumes in the zink also distroys the pre treatment picked bath
Chassis need to be piro stripped in a stripping oven gets rid of all paint and wax inside and out

Wedge are all over so you need to find out who ownes the plant you take it to although wedge at hull did a 90chassis for a friend that had been piro stripped as the thought it was a new one

Distortion is the same problem weather a new chassis or old

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