i was just looking arouned on the web and thinking is there any g4 style challenges running ?

do you mean with outdoor activities included? Yaks, bikes, running, climbing etc? or just lardy's dribing their orange 4x4's?

I think you need to be looking at 'Rallys' which are none competetive events (apparently). Help for Heros (H4H) run some each year with various challenges. others are 'landy rally' and im sure many more. These are all charity events but I dont think there is much call for the 4x4 side of it.

You may be better off looking into adventure races that target outdoor activities like running, swimming, bikes, yaks, climbing etc that include a 4x4 element. Due to the mindset of these people though I would think it would be hard to find. Google and Email are your friends.

you could try taking part in the Mac4x4 Challenge 2011. Macmillan 4x4 UK Challenge Official Web Site . The challenge itself is a 4 day navigational event that takes place who knows where. All proceeds for the event go to a very worthy cause of which is Macmillan Cancer Support. The event last year raised a staggering £120000 and 2011 the organisers are aiming to beat that.

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