
So the phone rings it my mate asking am I in as he heard I had got myself a defender 90 td5 and wanted to see it .When he saw it he said how are you going to get parts in the future now they have stopped being produced.My reply was that I can't see any problems getting parts in the future as most of the landies produced are still on the road. What's the opinions of fellow land rover defender owners do you see a problem getting parts for our vehicle's in the future
No. Not really. Considering you can still buy series parts and they haven’t been made by LR for donkeys.

Some parts maybe, 200tdi heads for instance but most else? Not for a good long while tbh
Did he offer to buy it off you, to save you the pain of getting parts for it in the future?

I get a whole assortment of comments about my series from 'My god that must have cost a fortune' to 'I bet parts are getting hard to dig out of the scrap yards'
People simply dont know enough or care enough to know that most parts are available in several budget ranges and the cars themselves are as cheap as chips.

Its free motoring for me plus an inexpensive hobby.
I get a whole assortment of comments about my series from 'My god that must have cost a fortune' to 'I bet parts are getting hard to dig out of the scrap yards'
People simply dont know enough or care enough to know that most parts are available in several budget ranges and the cars themselves are as cheap as chips.

Its free motoring for me plus an inexpensive hobby.
Yeah, true. It's just a shame the bloody things take up so much room.


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