
New Member
So I was just checking all my fuses under the steering wheel and looking at the back of the fuse box cover to see if I have the correct rated fuses. And some of them tell you to use different fuses to what the lr user manual says. Which one should i go by and which ones lying?
1 Determine the operating voltage of the power source.

2 Determine the watts required by the circuit.

3 Use a calculator to divide the number of watts by the voltage. In the case of a 12-volt circuit, using 120 watts, the calculation would be: 120/12=10 amps.
A 5-amp fuse would "blow-out" consistently before the necessary power was delivered.
A 20-amp fuse could overload wiring designed for a load of 120 watts on a 12-volt circuit.

Seriously! pink hoses??

Read more: How to Calculate Fuse Size | How to Calculate Fuse Size |
Thanks for the info, ill just go by the manual i think.

Re Hoses: Considering the ones on ebay you get for about £60 and all you get is 2 pieces (3 if you have the sensor) £180 (£50 of that is carrage from abroad) so really £130 isnt bad when you get the silicone, alu bends, couplers, jubilees, 4 meters vacuum hose and boost guage fittings, any colour when most places only do red or blue, isnt really a bad deal, ive had many customers very happy with what they bought.
And yes Pink is a bit extreme i know, but whatver ever floats ya boat i guess.

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