
And we're back! Let me tell you a funny story on how...
My name is Folkert Bleeker, Land Rover enthusiast since years! I bought my first landy about five years back. A ex-rnlaf (Royal Netherlands Airforce) One-Ten with a runaway 2.5td in the front and an ex-mod/Wolf 300tdi in the back for transplant! Took the car apart, built in the new engine, fixed what needed to be fixed and made it ready for travel. And it worked, it was a dream come true! Made beautiful trips al over Europe!

And then the dark days came... Due to circumstances, i was forced to sell my one true love, the One-Ten that i came lovingly to know as Wolfie.... Because of, well you all know, i left my contact information with the car, just to keep in touch.

And then after about 1,5 years of seeing the car being advertised online in multiple places, she was gone...The only thing i knew, was she went to somebody in Germany. That was it then....
Until i got a text message starting with the words 'Hi I am *****, and i'm the new owner of you land-rover!'
After a while of talking about Wolfie, i found out this person was not the bloke you'd expect him to be, it actually was a the girl you didn't expect her to be! We stayed in contact and one thing led to another!

So long story short: we're together now for over a year already and since last week, Wolfie's back in the Netherlands!

Sooo, let the prep for those travels with the three of us begin!!

Ow yeah, i'm 37 and live in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands

Tadaa, my intro!
Hello and welcome from me;)
What a lovely tale..:)
Pictures ?
Of the girl or the car? :p
If you put the tent at the back your ladder will probably reach the ground.;)
Military vehicles have high capacity back springs, so it stands a full 2 inches higher at the back. ;)
And i already fabricated an extension with ground anchor!

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