
Well-Known Member

I've been running my 2.5 N/A on all sorts of different concoctions just to see what works. I've had vegetable oil with diesel, vegetable oil with petrol, sun flower oil with diesel and even sun flower oil with white spirit until I found out that burning white spirit was illegal so I just went back to veg oil and diesel, which works fine but it's getting expensive. Now that veg oil is starting to cost more and more and diesel prices are not going to stop raising until all the oil runs out, what other potential liquid can I put in my tank that will get me places? Is there anything out there that is abundant, renewable and cheap that works that some of you are keeping secret?

I'm running out of ideas here!
Thanks in advance for any ideas / suggestions

I've just managed to akquire 100 ltr of used cooking oil. it'll cost about 15 quid for filters and you need a big drum but after that its all about what you can get yer hands on.

I've been running my 2.5 N/A on all sorts of different concoctions just to see what works. I've had vegetable oil with diesel, vegetable oil with petrol, sun flower oil with diesel and even sun flower oil with white spirit until I found out that burning white spirit was illegal so I just went back to veg oil and diesel, which works fine but it's getting expensive. Now that veg oil is starting to cost more and more and diesel prices are not going to stop raising until all the oil runs out, what other potential liquid can I put in my tank that will get me places? Is there anything out there that is abundant, renewable and cheap that works that some of you are keeping secret?

I'm running out of ideas here!
Thanks in advance for any ideas / suggestions


Well if yer dunt mind a bit of wurk, speak to pikey and get him to make yer a boiler, take yer engine to bits and attack it wif a welder, heh presto steam power.

all yev got ta do is take a chainsaw wif yer and chop a tree down here and there, altho it might be a bit difficult on motorways. And if yer have a problem wif water I am sure I can get yer a hydrant key.

Chitti bang bang, chitti chitti bang bang, we love you, oh you ---take it away pos.

Bet no fooker came up wif that great idea eh, fookin poosie veg oil
I've got an air compressor tank I can convert to a steam boiler for yer if yer want.
I'm thinkin of stickin a horse in front, sittin on the bonnet and becomin a rag and bone man:D
I've got an air compressor tank I can convert to a steam boiler for yer if yer want.

There yer are pos thought ah woz fookin kiddin, betcha if he looks a bit more there's a whole steam engine in there somewhere.

Righty pos a project fur school, convert a landie to steam and yer might get the nobel prize.

Of course get it wrong and yel wipe out an entire village coz they blow up quite spectacoolarily, but either way pic loads of them, and dunt worry about the blowing up bit I'm sure Pikey will do a great job.
There's no way I'm going to convert my landy to run on steam!!! :D

spoil sport!!!

Ok then how about a fookin huge kite fing that they use for surfin un that, out through the roof, or connectud ter a winch on front.

Eh, fookin better than steam should be able to get a seconhand parachoot from the army surploos. Multifuel, diesel no wind, parachoot wif wind
I told them we should have solved the energy crisis years ago. Noone listens to me ;) What happened to all the flying cars we were going to be driving, you know, the ones in the school books when I was little. 'in the 21 century man will be driving flying cars' ets, etc. Its time they got them out

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