Ok so I’m replacing fuel tank on a 90 300tdi on a 95 plate disconnected the fuel lines , sender wiring, unbolted rear mounting fixing & removed front tank support bracket , then slightly twisting tank anti-clockwise as removal instructions explain but struggling to get the f@#%er out any tips ideas . Cheers in advance
When I did mine a couple of years ago I followed the advice of a fellow Landyzone member and removed the floor plate and the bulkhead to tub rail.
Is indeed a ballache unless you take the rail off. Can be done though if you're persistant enough.
Finally got the tank out had to take bulkhead to tub rail off well partly off , couldn’t get the two nuts off at the bulk head end ,are they supposed to be on captive nuts ? As they are just turning
On mine I had to feed a spanner up the bulkhead foot to hold the nut, fun putting them back, new ones. They may have been captive at one time.
Finally got the tank out had to take bulkhead to tub rail off well partly off , couldn’t get the two nuts off at the bulk head end ,are they supposed to be on captive nuts ? As they are just turning
They should be a captive Bolt plate with nuts rearward. I replaced mine with 20mm stainless bolt which was a fiddle to install but less of a fiddle than getting the rusty captive plate that just spins out in the first place!

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