
New Member
Hi Folks,

An old problem I know but my 110 300 TDi suffers from 'fuel slosh'!

There are fuel marks from the filler showing that it has overflowed from the filler (probably going round left hand corners) and left the characteristic stains on the paint under the filler area.

Not only is it unsightly, it will trash paint, drip onto tyres and it's costing me in wasted fuel.

Any ideas on methods to stop this?

Hi Folks,

An old problem I know but my 110 300 TDi suffers from 'fuel slosh'!

There are fuel marks from the filler showing that it has overflowed from the filler (probably going round left hand corners) and left the characteristic stains on the paint under the filler area.

Not only is it unsightly, it will trash paint, drip onto tyres and it's costing me in wasted fuel.

Any ideas on methods to stop this?


Not to mention leaving spill on roads for other road users to have an accident on :( :mad:
Buy a new "quality" filler cap !

I had this problem and a cheepo filler cap solved the problem for about a week.

I now have a LR cap and all's sorted :)

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