Well-Known Member
I need to replace the fuel sender unit on my 110 n/a diesel. Firstly, is it possible to remove this without taking the tank off which is at the back of the Landrover? Also, will I need to bleed the system afterwards?
Well I tried to beat the little bstd out with a hammer and punch but it just wont shift. Looks like ill have to take the tank off and then try to get it out. On a lighter note-I connected the wires back onto the unit and its started working again. How long for I dont know!
If it's like a 90 one then the sender unit is held in by a circular clip which turns and then releases the unit upwards. It has lugs on which you can belt with a piece of metal or something. I know the 110 ones are much harder to get to than the 90 ones but not sure how they are held in.
Yes theres 3 lugs on the sender unit. The problem is I can only get to 1 of them and Ive already knocked that one off. I cant see anything else holding it in. It was working after I gave it a clout but ive been out tonight and its gone to full again. Really not sure how to get that out now?

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