New Member
Hi I've been having issues with my fuel pump being noisy so I've just bought a new one and also a fuel filter, I'm just about to start filling the tank back up because i was told to clean the tank out also! is there any set procedure to prime the pump and filter? or do i just turn the ignition on and let it do it's business!! can anyone help I want to make sure it's spot on....:)
ignition on pos II , depress the throttle 5 times ... the MIL will start flashing ...wait untill it stops, ignition off then crank it without touching the throttle... if no joy run that procedure again untill it starts fine
Or, install the pump and filter, turn inginition to pos II and leave for approx 3 mins or until the stops if sooner. Then fire up the motor.

If it doesn't start, do it again.

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