
Lord Hippo
On the odd occasion our Freelander's have faults. We get a lot of fred's on ere about problems with our Freelander's but very few fred's about how well our Freelander's are doing. To balance this out I have chosen to start a fuel pump appreciation fred. Why yer might ask? Well why not. I think fool pumps deserve a betterer reputation than they get.

Yer have to admit fool pumps don't have any easy life. Intoxicated by drinking petrol or diesel, they then have to pee as hard as they can to keep yer engine happy. Yer have to admit that’s a life few would choose, although some do. Credit where credit's due. Fool pumps do their job quite well until they start to fail. At this point we get angry with them. I can understand why as the replacement fool pump costs money and can sometimes cause a breakdown. But what about all the other times yer fool pump hasn't failed and yer never said a word of thanks to it?

Some fool pumps have a worser life than others. Some are hidden in places where they're constantly splashed with water from the road wheels. Others are submersed in fool in the fool tank. That can't be good for yer complexion, not to mention the smell.

Even when a fool pump does fail look on the bright side. It's spent many years providing good service while happily doing its job. Something I think we Freelanderer's should be more thankful of.
When I get out of my Freelander after a journey, I'll always say "thanks Broom" (my term of endearment for said broom-broom). If its been a long journey, I'll also give it a pat on the bonnet.

(you may think I made that up, but I didn't, I do, and yes I'm a sad basket case)

My thanks is for the whole car, I do not single out individual components. Your focusing of praise on the fuel pump is discriminatory and unfair to all the other components doing their daily jobs.

If I have had a problem with a part I may single that out for special praise after its first fixed journey, but then its back to group hugs and kisses for all components.
I'm on my second low pressure fuel pump and original high pressure fuel pump.
I believe the addition of 2 stroke oil helps keep them happily munching diesel and makes their task easier.
Considering Tonks done over 140,000 miles, I don't think that's bad.
And I always say morning Tonk and night Tonk whenever I use the Hippo.
My most reliable friend, how sad's that:oops:
...My thanks is for the whole car, I do not single out individual components. Your focusing of praise on the fuel pump is discriminatory and unfair to all the other components doing their daily jobs...
There's a lot of parts to get through but eventually we'll get round them all. There's loads of fred's on ere about fool pumps failed so I thought this fred would balance things out. ;)
Had a few Freelander failings in the 3 1/2 years of ownership but not a fool pump yet. I give it a treat with Diesel Magic whenever I remember, dunno if this helps but it seems to keep things sweet.
I'm really like my Hippo and its fool pump! They do get tired but changing them makes them go much betterer. I've had many happy hours of driving and tinkering. As a 4WD I'm quite impressed too. My Fav' bit? Well that would be the engine under tray upgrade. I've got a decent bash plate fitted and one for the rear muffler too. Both work well:) Worst bit? Hmm - getting the rear window to work correctly. Mine's not dropping sufficiently to clear the top when opening the rear door - that adjustment has got me stumped:( Overall - love it!

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