
New Member
I'm new to the site and looking for help.
When I fill my landrover up it will only Run for around 75 to a 100 miles before spluttering like its out of diesel and coming to a stop, it will restart but revs pick up and down still like its running out of fuel.
When I fill it up it runs fine again for around 100 miles.
The tanks not empty, I can only get around £30 of fuel in each time this happens.
Any help will be appreciated
Hello and welcome:)
i would be looking at the pick up pipe in the tank if there is a problem it may be sucking air in at that level.
Thanks for that.
Not sure how big a job it is but seems the best place to start


Thankats for th

Hello and welcome

i would be looking at the pick up pipe in the tank if there is a problem it may be sucking air in at that level.

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