New Member
Appart from a diesel leak, are there any other symptoms of a duff FPR on a TD5 - I've been experiencing power issues. I've checked and / or replaced the obvious stuff and just wondered if this could be the cause.

Diesel doesnt appers to be ****ing out of my pressure regulator but it does appear to be quite grubby but its difficult to telll where the grubbyness comes from....
My FPR exploded and I flooded the local town with fuel from my full tank! Cost me a fortune and loads of hassle.

You will know if its weeping as you will get clean fuel washing everything clean as it runs down the back of the engine.
I had a power issue on my TD5 and found it was the hose from the turbo to the air filter box, it had a small tear in it. It only affected power on heavy acceleration but got gradually worse as the tear got bigger. £35 for the pipe and problem sorted.
My FPR was weeping according to my local indy. I asked him what the consequences would be if I left it for a while. He said no problem, as he was not paying for the diesel in my car. Anyway got him to replace it cause fuel here is getting bloody expensive and the missus was complaining of the stains on our new driveway.

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