
Well-Known Member
Driving along fine then felt her losing power then goes dead; coasted to a stop on the grass verge.
Tried to start her, turning over nicely but not catching.
Could hear the fuel pump working, got a fat spark from the king lead (it's a 3.5V8 efi), all connections ok.
With ign on I could feel the pump vibrating and the fuel moving in the hoses, gave the pipes a squeeze and tapped the in-line fuel filter, all seemed ok.
Turned the ignition over and there was a feeble attempt to start as if I was out of fuel, tried again a couple more times and it suddenly roared into life. Sat for a while idling and revving, all systems normal, temp ok idling at 700rpm, drove off and back home without a hiccup.

I did run very low on fuel last week (warning light doesn't and gauge is not very accurate) so perhaps it was some dirt that had caught in the filter or lines?
I had to do a quick stop a few seconds earlier exiting the supermarket when a car pulled out from the petrol station but I was only doing about 20mph at the time but enough to slosh the fuel about in the tank.
Any thoughts welcome
Before my fuel pump died completely, it went through a period of occasionally exhibiting those symptoms.
I did wonder but the pump was running the whole time and it felt like the fuel wasn't reaching the injectors.
It's a RRC in-tank pump not an external type.
I'll check the in-line fuel filter tomorrow; think I have a spare somewhere.
I did wonder but the pump was running the whole time and it felt like the fuel wasn't reaching the injectors.
It's a RRC in-tank pump not an external type.
I'll check the in-line fuel filter tomorrow; think I have a spare somewhere.
The symptoms got progressively worse, but the pump made noise until one day it just stopped.
If not fuel it would be worth carrying a spare/proven coil and a spare/proven distributor amplifier. Both have a habit of breaking down when least wanted due to age/heat cycles.
Forgot to update this.
Happened again and definitely the fuel pump. There was power to it so took it out, took the metal gauze sock off and saw a tiny bit of crud in the impeller, like a bit of coarse sand. Knocked it out and pump ran fine. Reassembled and aok.

Out today when suddenly felt like run out of fuel, had half a tank and couldn't hear the pump so knew what it might be. A van pulled up and offered to tow me to a yard round the corner where he is based, very kind of him - he has a 6 pot 109!. Pulled out the pump, knocked it and it ran. So there must be some crud inside the sock although it looks clean as does the interior of the tank.

Next job is to take it out again, remove the sock and clean it, flush the pump with some fuel in case any more debris in there, change the inline filter and try again.
I tried that and a few days later conked out on a duel carrageway needed recovered and new pump...
I think I'll order a new one as well and keep it in the 90 just in case.
There was definitely a tiny bit of grit stuck in the impeller last time and I hope it was the case yesterday so a full strip down is worth the time.
Went to local dealers in Edinburgh quoted over 300 quid and would take 3 days to get...ordered from martin4x4 motors arrived next day 80 quid and in genuine LR box...was 20yrs ago

Took the pump out again, removed the gauze sock and washed it in clean petrol. It looked clean apart from a tiny bit of ?slimy staining and had no debris inside but it was cleaner after a bit of scrubbing in petrol.
Then ran clean petrol through the pump, and reversed polarity to back flush it. The pump ran clear and no debris or crud came out. The pump looked like new (4 years). The inside of the tank looked remarkably clean and rust free and the petrol was gin clear with no sediment or cloudiness.
Reassembled and installed and it ran smooth as. On a test drive floored it a few times to increase flow, went over some bumps at speed to shake the fuel in the tank and all was fine. On the three occasions it's done this recently i.e. pump stopping flow, it was intermittent and unpredictable.
Couldn't change the inline fuel filter after the pick up as I couldn't find the spare!
Hope it was just bit of crud that had got through and was clogging the works but it could be the pump itself @Shippers @Western Slope Rover ;)
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Did you check/clean the contacts for the wiring to the pump ?
Yes, but I don't think it's an electrical fault. There was bit of crud in the impeller which I removed last time, I'm assuming there was some more in there.
NB Assume....making an ass out of u and me?!

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