
New Member

Need to go and get some clear braided fuel line so I can see where that darn air is getting into my fuel system again! (2.25D 1973)

As i'm at work and forgot to grab old fuel lines, can anyone tell me what size pipe do I need to go over the metal connections from the filter. Was thinking it's gotta be 1/4??

Is the ID the same for the pipe going from the banjo bolt connections also (Sorry not sure proper name for them)

if i remember old fuel lines are 1/4 as you say and new sizes are 11mm, only thing to make sure of is the younger generation who work in the spare parts dept have never dealt with 1/4 inch imperial and they might just give you metric, it does happen,
cheers brnocz,

Was 1/4" like we thought but when I phoned local agricultural supplier (Curtis and Shaw, Cowbeech, East Sussex - Brilliant!!) and he said 5/16" it threw me and wasn't sure!
Old school and sold by the foot.

Just gotta stick it on tomorrow and see if it is letting air in, or I start looking elsewhere!

cheers all members who have answered my many questions since joining

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