
New Member
Recently discovered that I have a fuel leak (under load) on my 06 TD4. Took it to LR dealer and they identified that it was coming from the fuel pressure switch which has recently been replaced and wrongly fitted (definitely a washer missing & poss a spacer) by a local non LR garage. LR are telling me that the whole thing needs replacing again because you cant get the missing components on their own - cost £150 for part, £84 labour + VAT.

Went back to local garage that did the original job and they are saying that its just a standard washer that's missing and that the whole unit does not need replacing. LR insists that it does!

Don't know what to do here or who to believe! I must add that LR were not pushy at all & suggested that I took it back to local garage first but the car has been in & out of there so many times in recent months, I've lost all faith in them.

Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of fitting fuel pressure switches and is it just a case of replacing a missing washer and will this properly seal it so it doesnt leak under pressure? Should I let the local garage have a go at putting it right first? Or do I just take it to LR?

Would really appreciate any advice, thanks
go back to local garage with a written report from the stealer and tell the indie that they will be footing the bill due to their incompetance. Either that or you will see them in the small claims court.
Make sure you get a written report first. If the stealer is sure, they wont mind putting it in writing.

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