
Hi All,
Just a quick question, has anyone experienced a fuel filter seal failure on there TD4? just that i had one last Sunday and only got round to fixing it today.

So the gist is did a service 6 weeks ago all been going find until last Sunday whilst driving along I could smell fuel, at first I thought is was the car in front as it was quite smokey but then I noticed smoke from my NSF when I braked at which point I pulled over. I then noticed a pol forming under the car I pulled the bonnet only to find fuel spraying from around the PUMP & Filter area, as i was only a mile front I drove it back leaving a nice tail of diesel behind me.....

I turns out after removing the pump & filter housin, then stripping the parts down the seal around the filter had slightly deformed (flatten out) and that was the cause as the leak was rectified when I put a new filter in.......

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