
Active Member
Another small annoying problem. Fuel flap releases no problem, only issue is it won't close properly. I had this a while back. The small plastic clip that is secured inside the flap was broken and the small bar that secures the cap in place when it is closed could not engaged. I replaced the clip and it was OK. Issue yesterday was that it would not close properly again. I have looked at the clip and it is fine. You can however slide it up and down. I have tried this, trying to find the best position, but, all is the same - useless. Any suggestions?
I had a problem with the flap not shutting soon after I bought mine and it turned out that I needed to make sure the filler cap "handle" was fully horizontal otherwise it caught the flap.
I have also caught the flaps locking point with the fuel nozel and bent it slightly so's it didn't catch.
+1 the filler cap MUST be with the raised section along the length of the vehicle, or nearly, otherwise it wont close.

Try bending the little tab that holds the plastic clip, or you may have to replace the clip again, they don't seem to last very long
Job done - it was so simple and has probably always been the case - the little tab that holds the clip was not bent in sufficiently so the lug could not make contact. Bent it back and all good. Thanks Lancorky and thanks to all those that offered advice - really appreciated.

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