
New Member
Hi All

Feet are frozen while charging about in the snow. some bugger designed the 2A with the heater only for the passenger.

is this a fixable thing - thought about another heater matrix in the same heater line somewhere in MY footwell - i've got some matrixes that might fit + couple of computer fans.

12V heaters seem to be rubbish - are there any that ain't crap and are cheapish? bloody unlikely...

have got as many socks as possible on (and shoes). suppose could fix draughts but seeing as the doors totally don't fit that's a big job. anyway it's nice and warm in the passenger footwell so can't be that bad. heater's good - the demister works (!) theres just no hot air on my side :(

any thoughts?
Hi All

Feet are frozen while charging about in the snow. some bugger designed the 2A with the heater only for the passenger.

is this a fixable thing - thought about another heater matrix in the same heater line somewhere in MY footwell - i've got some matrixes that might fit + couple of computer fans.

12V heaters seem to be rubbish - are there any that ain't crap and are cheapish? bloody unlikely...

have got as many socks as possible on (and shoes). suppose could fix draughts but seeing as the doors totally don't fit that's a big job. anyway it's nice and warm in the passenger footwell so can't be that bad. heater's good - the demister works (!) theres just no hot air on my side :(

any thoughts?

unless you've gorra V8 beast in your landy there's not enough heat available from the existing matrix to blow much more than warmish air this weather

FBH is the best option
You could T the hot water in to both the original and another matrix, then T the outlets back together again, if you just loop them in series one will be hot and the other tepid.
If you can find one nowadays classic mini heaters are kinda usefull, or bash one up with a matrix, I think you'd need summat better than a PC fan though, you can get them on eblag the same size but much more airflow.
Someone hear was saying they'd put a golf heater under the seat, be carefull running long pipes though, I've tried fitting rads in the boot when I've put bigger engines in fwd cars and had trouble with water flow, original engine water pumps dont pump that hard.
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if it's just you in the Landy, how about a temporary bit of ducting (tumble drier vent & gaffer tape?) from the heater to your footwell?
i've gotta rad blind - the air temp coming out the existing heater isn't boiling, but warm enuf

think i have a classic mini heater somewhere - will look into it (if i put it in front of the series one, i'll rob the heat off the passenger :D) maybe some kind of tap thing so i can restrict flow to the added one, have 2 half working heaters then. or indeed T it like you said :)

ducting - yes - couldn't see best how to fit it wifout tangling in all of the levers but might give it a go, probably have some bits of that lying about as well :)

didn't know you could get electric socks :) wow. might not go with the watery leaks tho - will look into it

thanks chaps :)
I'm in the process (well after the 200tdi conversion) of putting a heater matrix in the cab with a few little fans behind it tee'd off the water pipes with valves to control where the heat goes.

That way your heating up warm air, not pulling in -3 (or colder) air, trying to heat it in a few seconds and blowing it into the cab.
The best present I got last christmas was a pair of thermal wellies to wear when im out shooting, the ones i got were " Muck Boots" and i can recomend them mind you they were about £70 but it was worth every penny of her money lol,
She got kinky underware and I got wellies, mmmmmm she wouldnt let me wear them in bed though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0 :)
In that case, let's forget about heaters and let's read a bit more about ladies' underwear and what's going on under the duvet......
We can talk about heaters any time.

Do please continue.
The best present I got last christmas was a pair of thermal wellies to wear when im out shooting, the ones i got were " Muck Boots" and i can recomend them mind you they were about £70 but it was worth every penny of her money lol,
She got kinky underware and I got wellies, mmmmmm she wouldnt let me wear them in bed though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0 :)
I put a minivan heater unit inbetween seats above central mil battery box with the demist tubes directed into footwell each side , worked really well, with rad muff fitted HTSH cant do pics as this was about 30+yrs ago
i gues youve sorted it now? i was gonna say, in one of the farm landys theres a doublew heater matrix, its just two fitted together, tbh ive not seen it yet, but apparently its warm...ill check it out next week :cool:
aint tried anyfink yet, am waitin on a new thermostat cos thisns stuk open. now its REALLY cold :(

maybe I should invest in some kinky wellies or waterproof rubber underwear. everyone else seems to have these things and be warm.

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