Good morning all. Just prepping for replacing the wishbones on my 2005 TD4. Quick question. The separate casings that have the two bolts and holds the wishbone threaded arm arm in place have bushes in them . Are they easy to get out or is it a garage job? . Bearing in mind am doing the job curb side so only got normal standard DIY tools to hand. TIA
No they're not easy to get out. However they are available as complete assemblies, which will likely work out cheaper than having a garage press the bushes out and back in.
I did mine a couple of weeks ago (well my mate who owns a garage did them). One of the bushes was a right pain to get out, even with his press. There's no way I would have been able to have got them out myself on the driveway.
If I ever had to do them again I would get the complete casing and bush rather than just a bush or casing by itself.

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