N Gauge Bob

New Member
Hi All
1996 Rangey 2.5 Diesel.
Front headlight wash wipes not working.
Possible cause and typical things to check please?
Are you aware they only operate with the headlights turned on and then operate the windscreen wash?

Hi Dorset
No I wasn't. Thanks for that. However I think they still do not work. I recently did a night trip in salt spray conditions with wipers on and frequent use of wash wipes and the headlights at the end of the journey had to be seen to be believed.
Under conditions like that you would certainly notice them working. When mine work, it looks like the headlights are flickering as the wipers cross the lens, and there is an obvious 'wiped' area on the glass. Might be worth getting someone to operate wash wipe with headlights turned on while you watch to see whats happening.

Will have a look at the RAVE to try to identify possible fuses / relays

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