Hi everyone. The front oil seal on my 90 t-box has been leaking since I got the landy so after reading Buster and Trewey's excellent posts on replacing it i decided to give it a go. All was well and as expected until I found the felt washer the wrong side of the flange and then when i got to the oil seal, i found the mess in the pics.

My questions are:

I didn't expect to see such a wide seat beneath the oil seal, if this is what it is.
If it is like this, how would I go about getting the bearing out like in Buster's thread (if i wanted to do this in the future) that's why i thought i must have something different to what Trewey and Buster have.
This "seat" is damaged, presumably by someone who had a go and gave up, is this terminal?
The oil seal seams to be glued or stuck to this metal seat. The replacement i have in the gasket set is much thicker...

Does anyone recognise what i have here and can anyone help me replace the oil seal and fix this lot up please?

Thanks very much.

No piccys there but the oil seal should be pressed right up against the bearing. As for removal of the bearing I'm not 100% but it shouldn't be too difficult to move once the circlip is out. If the seat is damaged you could try a very very light smear of rtv around the outer rim of the seal which may be what someone has already done. Don't expect it to be nice and oiltight though as its a **** design and it'll leak again eventually
you get bearing out by removing circlip refitting flange loosely and levering flange,shaft and bearing out, dont fit seal right up to bearing
Sorry here's (hopefully) photos go what I have

I could never get the front output to seal for long on my 90 until I did away with the shield and then could fit two oil seals, been good for a couple of years now.
Thanks very much for your help so far. Before I go ahead and maybe break something can I check that now I have removed some of the rubber to reveal a metal disc, this disc is part of the seal and needs to be prised out?

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