
New Member
Hi everyone
We bought our landy (she’s called Pamela) 3 years ago when we moved from London to the Peaks. We’ve had some great fun with her up there (especially when it snowed!) but work has brought us back to London
Perhaps not the most practical car for London but we’re not driving much anymore and we really don’t want to part with her, at least until ULEZ extends in 2021 when we might have to
We now have a baby on the way so we need to rethink the seating options and we’re thinking of getting a front middle seat.
Does anyone know the best place to source a second hand front middle seat? Ideally we’re looking for a black Xs spec with a headrest but we can be flexible on this.
I'm not familiar with the rules but I'm sure your not allowed to have any children in the front in the middle seat. The middle seat are unsecured at the base as much as the drivers and passenger equally. Therefore on bumpy ground could dislodge. Plus child seats need firm supporting such as the full safety harness gives instead of the lap belt. I am prepared to defecated from high knowledgable Landies.
No, you’re right, sorry I wasn’t clear. The middle seat will be for me or my husband - the baby will have the passenger seat.
No, you’re right, sorry I wasn’t clear. The middle seat will be for me or my husband - the baby will have the passenger seat.

From experience it's best to have someone you're already friendly with seated in that position.
(Or someone you'd like to be.. ;))
The passenger seat base still unclips though?
Ha! Yes, we’re well aware it’s cosy in the front middle We have friends who had their first when they just had a Landy so they’ve given us all the rules and regs (and tips on how to survive the middle seat!)

Ultimately we may change the rear seats (currently 4x fold down seats) to two forward facing seats but as that is the more expensive option, and we don’t yet know whether our current Landy will work longer term (debates about a 110 and ULEZ are one for another day ) we thought we’d try the option of a middle seat first. We just thought we’d see if anyone had any suggestions on where to get hold of a decent s3cind hand seat rather than buy new.
Scrap yard or breaker is best bet. I’ve had two defenders with middle seats (cosy memories :rolleyes::() the newer one had plastic cup holder thing instead couldn’t fit a seat there. Never seen a middle seat with headrest
Hi everyone
We bought our landy (she’s called Pamela) 3 years ago when we moved from London to the Peaks. We’ve had some great fun with her up there (especially when it snowed!) but work has brought us back to London
Perhaps not the most practical car for London but we’re not driving much anymore and we really don’t want to part with her, at least until ULEZ extends in 2021 when we might have to
We now have a baby on the way so we need to rethink the seating options and we’re thinking of getting a front middle seat.
Does anyone know the best place to source a second hand front middle seat? Ideally we’re looking for a black Xs spec with a headrest but we can be flexible on this.
Welcome to the forum.
I really wouldn't recommend you go to the trouble of sourcing and fitting a middle seat. I still have it in my 90 and it is completely impractical. A child seat on the front passenger seat will take up a lot if room and I really can't see how anyone is going to fit in the middle seat - changing gear is really awkward and I would say could be dangerous - with London driving you need to change gear quickly and often.
I had forward facing fold away rear seats fitted for my kids.
Also worth mentioning is whatever child seat you plan to get for the front - check about isofix.
As NB said, changing gear will be a real pig. Even when I had my 5ft2 skinny friend in the middle seat I was still elbowing her whenever I went into second. A full grown man liken your husband will make it a bit of a bitch to drive.

I would think a forward facing back seat would be better.
No, you’re right, sorry I wasn’t clear. The middle seat will be for me or my husband - the baby will have the passenger seat.

Welcome to LZ. :)

I am guessing that you have never tried riding in those middle seats, either that, or you are less than about 4 feet tall. It just isn't practical for more than a few minutes, very uncomfortable for both driver and passenger.

Also, further to your comment above, I am fairly sure your vehicle is not eligible to enter the ULEZ without paying a daily charge of £12.50.
And if you are thinking of hanging on to it until a very short time before the ULEZ extension, beware, or be prepared to sustain financial loss.
Non eligible vehicles will take a hit on second hand prices anywhere within driving distance of the extended ULEZ, and this will happen some time before the ULEZ is extended.
You can check the eligibility of your vehicle here.

Welcome to the forum

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