
New Member

First post here - hoping to become a frequent poster.

I've been very lucky to meet my girlfriend (future wife?) who has a Discovery 1. The previous owner had fitted front fog lights, and my girlfriend replaced these a while before I knew her. They were working for a while, she tells me, but now nothing happens when they are switched on. I've checked the wiring and can see 2 long leads with a single -ve wire in each (tested continuity back to the battery -ve). Just about 30cm before these wires reach the front fogs, the outer sheath is split showing the single -ve lead, and then a +ve lead. The 2 +ve leads each connect to the respective fog lights, but at the other end - they are wired together and terminating in a space connector. I also found a shore red wire with a 10A fuse (still working) one end with a spade connector, and the other with bare wire. I presume this went directly to the battery +ve.

So, I've tested the lights by wiring them via this 10A fused wire and they work fine, but are obviously always on. I did notice a small black box (a relay) in the engine bay (front left hand side) - is this the switch? I'm unsure of how to connect it all up - and the Haynes manual doesn't show the wiring schematic.

Thanks, Alex
Sounds all very iffy diy stuff, and a small black box could be a relay u will require one, but all is not lost as if u search you will find wiring diagams on wiring additional lights spots, fogs etc etc. then you can start again using the materials you already have.
I had a search but couldn't find anything specific to this little relay. I'm sure it's a simple one to fix and I'll have a chance to test it this evening, but here are a couple of photos to explain:

This is the black boc which I assume was wired up correctly at some point. I assume it's just a relay switch, 1 ground, 1 trigger from the dash and then the +ve from the battery, then +ve out to the lights?


This is a shot of the wiring:


On the left is the lead that goes to the fogs (there are obvious 2 of these). The blue wire in the middle seems to go to the battery -ve. On the right, the 2 red wired crimped together with a spade connector. These 2 red leads go to the lights, and are terminated there. I assume this is where I connect the output from the relay?

I'm happy enough if someone says to rip it all out and start over, but this setup was working fine at some point.

Any help, or links to wiring topics that I've missed would be a great help.

Thanks, Alex

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