Dodgy Den

Active Member
I just changed both of these as i have added two new from doors on the Defender. The new versions have a nylon roller that the door locks onto on the door striker plates. I also added two new backplates with the two welded nuts on them.
What i now have is a nice easy closure on the two doors even with new door seals added. They close with a solid sounding clunk and the shut lines are good too.
My next job is to remove the door panels on both front doors to add some Dodomat sound deadening and to spray some waxoil sealant to the three lower door edges around the dodomat. I did it on the new rear safari door and the difference was amazing. It a lot quieter, it shuts with a clunk not a twang and sounds much more expensive....
The two new striker plates look much nicer with no wear marks on them and shiny new bolts too.

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