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Just been building my front brakes on my 88. I think everything is built right but adjusting the brakes I can spin the wheel forward easily but when I try moving backwards it goes tight. And ideas fokes.

Cheers steve
The rear shoe is a trailing shoe and will catch , if it is too tight chamfer the top edge of the rear shoe lining with a file.
When I fitted Mintex shoes the liner was bonded higher up than it should have been and I had to file a significant amount off so that I could reverse.

It's a new cylinder so pistols should be ok. Can you describe where the springs go!?? The bottom spring I have got going from brake shoe to brake shoe, the top spring goes from the post from 1 shoe to the back plate post so as I look at my brakes, the shoe which is nearest the rear only has 1 spring connecting to it and it's the bottom spring. I can easily pull the shoe from the piston. Does all this sound correct???

Cheers steve

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