Can I ask what is the best way to remove and refit the front axle oil seal? See pic below. I'm replacing the swivels on my 1973 109" SW and I'm struggling to get the seal out. Any advice very much appreciated.

Front axle oil seal.jpg

Can I ask what is the best way to remove and refit the front axle oil seal? See pic below. I'm replacing the swivels on my 1973 109" SW and I'm struggling to get the seal out. Any advice very much appreciated.

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Welcome to LZ.

Just destroy it out with a small cold chisel. Sometimes you can lay the chisel flat across the seal, under one rim, tap it in, and tap the chisel to pop it out.
Thanks Turboman - I'll give that a go. Is it straightforward to fit the new one?
I think you are supposed to use a sealing locking type compound. It is helpful if you have something like a big socket, just less than the diameter of the seal housing. You can use that to drift the seal gently down.
I think you are supposed to use a sealing locking type compound. It is helpful if you have something like a big socket, just less than the diameter of the seal housing. You can use that to drift the seal gently down.
When you say sealing compound I guess hylomar - the non setting type - would work?

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