
Active Member
Staffordshire seems a bit lacking in green lanes, so I was wondering as a newbie to the scene in an essentially standard Disco 200 tdi, where would be best place to go and have some green lane experience? The Peak District is a bit closer, but is Wales more worthwhile. My mate is heading for the Wayfarer today (where in N Wales is this btw) so I am awaiting his report. I need another mate to fix his diff so the two of us can go together. He has winch, lift etc, but green laning doesn't generally seem to require these....famous last words. lol
I personally wouldn't drive past the peaks but I haven't tried Wales but from what I see there two different styles of lanes and its what you prefer. Its always nice to have a change and there's plenty to go at in both areas.
Big Al.
Llangollen is an hour from Telford so depending where you are in staffs would make a difference.

I have done both places but always seem more drawn to wales. Llangollen is gateway to some great lanes and always seems less walkers
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Thanks for that chaps. I am actually in Stafford itself. It seems N Wales would be the preferred choice then. I will do some map pondering and searches for routes that are initially ok for standard Discos. I guess being dry is beneficial.
Thanks for that chaps. I am actually in Stafford itself. It seems N Wales would be the preferred choice then. I will do some map pondering and searches for routes that are initially ok for standard Discos. I guess being dry is beneficial.

You'll be surprised what a standard landy will do ;)
Do you use paper or electronic mapping ?

i can give you a route or several lanes to do thats Disco friendly but i would always advise take another vehicle because sometimes lanes get damaged or wash outs that are usually straight forward

also depends on how protective over your paintwork you are

there is also church stretton to consider there is 2 days worth of great lanes around there although most can be a bit scratchy
I guess on balance I prefer paper maps. There is something more tangible about them. I could always get any recommended maps of the correct scale, and any route ideas and suggestions would be great thanks. Paint work...L reg Disco. Nope no issues about the odd scratch.:)
just to be a doddering old bore and all. :(

Can we not post map references on the forum please???

We, me, you, us, might be respecting people that are out to have a nice jolly on green lanes and enjoy the scenery and the company, but alas there are some ****ers out there who are not.

Some people want to turn lanes into mud runs and generally dont care that lanes will be closed through abuse.

If you could just edit your post to remove the co-ordinates :) then we can stop making it easier for the afore mentioned nobbers to ruin it for the rest of us. Having to find the locations to ruin often puts off all but the determined.

Sorry for the grumble. :)
Many thanks to the OP :)

Iam sorry if i sounded like a dick, that wasnt my intention.

I really do like this greenlaning malarky and im sometimes a little desperate to protect it. :eek:

Thanks again.
From what I can see dick heads find the lanes anyway if they are posted on forums or not

TOR mag and Landy zone detail lane trips every month anyway

least if you pass on whats legal even if it is by PM it may stop someone going off somewhere illegal

and sure beats the hell out of paying someone £50 to be shown public row
runs from Pen y Bryn just below Pandy over to Cynwyd just outside Corwen. Take a look at they keep a log of green lanes. Good starting point to mark and check an OS map for trails. Happy Valley is pretty good to...

Now I'm just jealous
Oh, I'd turn the sound off if I were you, there's a weird vibration that sounds awful - I'll have to sort that for next time
Thanks i will take a look. My mate did it a couple of weeks ago and said it was a nice run. I was at hawkstone at the weekend and was really impressed with what a standard Disco could do.
Your bike in yout avatar?

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