Hi, I've suffered a dismal running manual TD4 throughout winter and thought it was time to sort it. Everything pointed to the MAF so I decided to to go all the way and fit a Ronbox 2A with remote switch. I fitted it this weekend and everything is working great. It really is like driving a different car. This is actually the wife's car and she says the difference is so great that she has to relearn to drive it properly. From what it was to what it is now is really good, less gear changing, nice smooth power and she can overtake other cars with confidence, yes she is happy with it (so am I, another job out of the way).
I know just sticking a new Bosch MAF in would have worked fine but I fancied a bit of adjustability just to see what could be done and the Pierburg MAF has been made out to be more stable so I gave it go. If your TD4 has got duff MAF syndrome give the Ronbox a try.

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