
Active Member
Hi All...

I followed a trail of breadcrumbs on arbtalk and ended up in here :eek:

After cutting my teeth bending a few lanides in the Navy during the 80's, (I once balance a redwing V8 110 on it's wing mirror :eek: ) I've had a couple of mid 1990's 110's of my own, a wallet squeezing ex RAF jobbie from honeypot lane (who knew you could drive legally without number plates!), found it was used in the Falklands and still had half the beach in the chassis, not to mention the high pressure blue smoke if you take off the oil cap, you live and learn :rolleyes: The next one had been tooled up a bit with a lift kit, mod wheels with chunky A/Ts and plastered in chequer-plate with a posh metallic respray, it was lipstick on a pig with a serious metal worm infestation....

...so I was tempted away by this young feisty V6 Jap model, but it was a mere fling, she turned into a gold digger, so after taking the hoover pole to her, she's going on ebay and I'm after another Landie with the proceeds :D

Now I thought I knew "exactly" what I wanted, a relatively recent rebuilt 200/300 tdi 90 van with some half decent off road toys, a half decent keeper not rusting to bits that I could maintain myself for the next 20yrs or so.

Then I started reading LRzone to get clued up, some brilliant rebuild threads, read loads, then the expedition threads.... and now I'm torn between what I thought I wanted, and something more suited to overlanding to outer Mongolia :lol:

Great forum, LZIR is just fantastic, the wealth of knowledge is amazing be proud :cool:

I'll join in a bit more once I've got a decent waggon sorted, be up for some laning/pay n play with anyone around northants/surrounding counties.


NB Nothing I have written here should be constituted as a request for information, I already found the search button so go easy on me :p
he heh 110woman, the only conversion I'll be doing will involve off road toys, though a little help from on high might not go a miss :D

mudfever: Nuts? Me? Nah I'm normal, it's the rest of the world that's bat **** crazy :5brofl:

Anyone know how long us newbs are in pre-moderation? I posted to a couple of threads, I can only find this one :( if a busy conversation carries on does the post pass moderation and then end up 3 pages back where no-one will see it, or get posted out of context at the end?

inquiring minds want to know :p
Your posts are all visible just look at the tab at the top that says my replies ;)

cheers mate, yeah i found that, but it's not showing one of the posts I made this morning, posted in the "stop barking" thread, a vBullitin thingy came up with something about pre-moderation, but it had gone before I got my glasses to read it properly :confused:

found the thread longhand but it's still not got my post in it, maybe the matrix got it :confused:
cheers mate, yeah i found that, but it's not showing one of the posts I made this morning, posted in the "stop barking" thread, a vBullitin thingy came up with something about pre-moderation, but it had gone before I got my glasses to read it properly :confused:

found the thread longhand but it's still not got my post in it, maybe the matrix got it :confused:

we have a very high calibre of posts here. it probably wasn't upto snuff.

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