
New Member
Just moved to France and have had to get rid of my car (long story) - anyway spotted a Freelander 2000 model which is unleaded, has 67,000 km on the clock and having taking a test ride it runs very nicely.

Now, question is, should I be wary of anything? Never had a Landrover before and have wanted one for a long time...some say the unleaded side is a problem consumption-wise but I just dont know!
Here, they tend to measure by power as opposed to litre and they say it is a 9cv engine?

any suggestions would be welcome as we may have commited ourselves a bit too soon :eek:

Petrol tends to be more thirsty,would have thought that as your in france go for a oil burner as you pay nearly halve of what us brit boys pay. . i can only talk about oil burners, had mine for nearly two years , fantastic motor,only had one major prob with it but you can get that with any motor, not a racing car , but real nice to drive, on road , and good off road [not a soft roader], the td4 are very good. . .only my opinion

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