
New Member
Hi all! New to the site, and something of a landy virgin! (although have had 2 Discos in the past, is that a hanging offence!!):confused:
Am becoming almost incontinent with excitement as I'm picking up my newly aquired Series 2a on Sunday 27th!!
My query is are freewheeling hubs worth fitting in terms of noise & reduced fuel consumption,as a mate has offered me a pair. If so how many splines would a standard 1967 series 2 have?
No personal experience, but from comments elsewhere on this forum (and others) the answer seems to be: No, they're not worth it. I think the main idea is to save fuel/energy by disconnecting the moving bits at the front, but the saving is so minute you don't notice it. You also have the added rigmarole of getting out of the cab every time you need to engage/disengage the FWHs. This usually means you end up with them in one position all the time (once the novelty of getting in and out every 5 minutes wears off). I've never heard anyone mention the reduced noise aspect of 'em though.
Like I said, I've not had first-hand experience of FWHs so please feel free to shoot me down in flames. :) :mad: :p ;) :( :D :confused: :eek: :rolleyes: :cool: :eek:
;) Yeah Gareth is dead right, theres nowt in it. I've got em on my Series 2, only coz they were on when I aquired it. Any improvement is totally un-noticed. I run it with my drive engaged coz I can't be bovv to climb out and fanny about.

Regards WP.
... and if the universal joints in the front axle half-shafts aren't spinning round in their oil baths in the hubs they're not flicking oil everywhere and so your upper swivel pins don't get any lubrication. 'least that's what I've been told!