
First, I'd like to say hello and thank you for having me in your forum!

I'm a new driver an I'm planning on buying a vehicle second-hand. I live somewhat away from the city and it's hard to get home in the winter using a conventional car, so I'm definitely going for an SUV.

I've read so many negative articles about the Freelanders but truth is they are closest to my heart than any of the other makes, they've got the sort of personality that I like. I'd love to get an early td4.

Are those stories about it being an extremely unreliable car true? Is there anything in particular that I should be worried about? I love the Freelanders but almost every article on the web is trying to convince me they're not worth it. Could you help me decide?

Thanks very much!

links to freelander1 info


Are those stories about it being an extremely unreliable car true?

to put into perspective .. if you read the internet forums ..
people mainly post their vehicle problems ..
so the reader ends up getting a diet of 'troubles'

like any used vehicle .. much will depend on how previous owners looked after it
.. it does help to gain some mechanical/electrical knowledge of how the things work
and what .. and what not to do regarding keeping the vehicle in good condition

'n like any vehicle .. parts wear out
and there will be some design 'niggles'
e.g. why did they have to go 'n place the later td4 fuel filter in such a shyte location .. etc etc

early freelander2's have their own potential design faults
the rear differential issue being the one i've seen pop up now and again on this forum
you could check on those via Freel2.com - Index ..
( as it's mainly the pre 2006 vehicles owners that visit here )
All cars have issues it's just a matter if you can live with there issues. I have an 03 td4 hopefully getting all the issues that the last owner left me with sorted out, at the end of the day it's a Landrover.:)

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