lozzer 1975

New Member
Clutch pedal is about and inch or more above brake pedal, drives as normal and selects gears ok biting point is normal,,changed return spring but made no difference, a bit confused to what it could be
The clutch cover is self adjusting on these, so a high pedal suggests that the clutch adjusting mechanism has run out of further adjustment because the clutch is worn out. I suppose it's possible the adjusting mechanism has got stuck, but it's not as likely as the clutch being worn out.
How many miles is on it?
Hi its done 140k had new clutch ,slave cylinder and duel mass done about 20k miles ago, the pedal had an annoying creek when changing gears so changed the return spring on pedal the pedal was already high though this would fix it
If the clutch is recent, then it's possible the adjusting mechanism has got stuck. Was it normal height after the clutch was replaced? Was a quality clutch used for the replacement?
Sure it was LUK drives as normal but pedal high, other than the return spring nothing on the pedal its self to control its hight

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