
New Member
Hi everyone a damsel in distress requires your thoughts!!

I have an x reg freelander approx 97k miles.

Its started making the most horrendous 'droning' noise (its quite loud and seems to get worse the further you go) if you take your foot off the accelerator and coast (you can also hear it when you change gears) but cant hear it so much wen you have your foot on the gas. It sounds like its coming from the rear end of the car.

I also towed my horse trailer today and went extremely slowly as it didnt tow as smoothly as it normally does - felt quite unstable. shall certainly not be towing again until its been looked at.

Tyres all have decent tread altough a week ago I did have a slow punture fixed on the rear drivers side - coincidence maybe?

any thoughts greatly appreciated. Thankyou!
have yu checked the VCU? :search: for "tippex" or look in the Q&A section where a definitive guide is.
That will keep yu occupied for some time. :D

what injun yu got?
sounds like a wheel bearing on the rear wheels jack up rear and and spin and grab the lifted wheel and wobble it to c if theres any play in it. if its not that could be diff bearings hope this helps
Thanks for the replies guys....

Being a female non mechanic I have absolutely no idea what your on about but it may be a few ideas to pass onto my mate whos coming to see it tomorrow.

Interesting enough when I dorve home tonight the noise only seemed to come on after about 4 miles starting with a cold engine.

The noise was far far worse when towing the horse today and the rear end felt very strange - hence the trailer feeling unstable which was quite scary to say the least!

Do you think this is an expensive job im looking at? I've pumped that much money into the pile of crap I wish I could leave it unlocked and someone would take the bloomin thing away - wishful thinking, no one would want it!

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