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Here is my story and any help appreciated.

Filling up at the petrol station (about full) and the guy behind said it was leaking. Looked under the freelnader and petrol was pouring out! Called out RAC man who lifting the seats back and unscrewed the access plate to the sender unit. The screw lid/top had completely come undone and was loosely being held in place by a pipe that lays across the top. Between us we managed to push it down while the other tightened it.

When when he tried to do the last bit of tightening (using a screwdriver and hammer) it popped back up. Even know when it is tight before it pops off one side is not flat. It looks like the thread is catching on the side near the locating tab but only does 1/4 turn before it pops off. The fuel pump is really hard to push down (even though the locating tab is ok). Is the a bottom location that it needs to fit into? The seal looks good but just seems however hard it is pushed down that it should go another 1 or 2mm to really be home.

Any tips/advice welcome. I might just have to send it to the garage for them to fit. Also RAC man never depressurised the system, is this required? How easy is it?

I, too have the same issue with my TD4 van.

After the last few weeks of noticing fluid spots on the drive, at the rear of the vehicle when the TD4 was stood overnight.

Checked today and 'fuel' was dripping from a pipe (probably had been doing for at least 3 weeks or so) that runs under/around a tank of some sort in between the back wheels.

Removed the floor and carpet from the back, unscrewed the fuel pump cover (6 screws) and the whole unit was loose, there's a black ring that is used to lock the pump in place, that was not secure and the pump was free to move up and down.

Fuel was present around the outside of the pump.

The owner before me had changed the fuel pump themselves back in 2007, well before I bought it this year and it looks like its now come undone for some reason.

Took it to the local land rover garage and they put it back together for me, (free of charge) said the seal had to go on first, then push the pump down in place and lock off the black ring - bit of a tricky job.

Took it for a drive and there's still fuel present dripping off the pipe under the TD4 earlier mentioned :doh:

Looks like I'm going to have to strip out the back floor again and check.

Maybe this time to put a 'new' seal on it too.

Anyone know the cost of a new seal for a TD4 fuel pump?

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You can get one for about £11 delivered, the part number is WGQ500020, do a search on Google (other search engines are available) and you'll find dozens of people selling them!

Still got to fit it, spent some time draining a couple of gallons off yesterday so I can remove the unit, I'd just filled the tank when it started leaking, thought I'd blown the rear diff....
Cheers I will try the local land ranger chain near me they always have spares in.

First instinct as you suggest, the rear dif...but gladly not!:D
This fuel pump was changed in 2007

Bought a new seal today for £9 and removed the old one.

Old seal was stiff and hard and had shrank, no rips or tears in it though.

Put the new seal the right side up in the right way.

Pushed down pump, into place with the right hand spigot in place,locked off the black retaining ring as tight as possible.

Replaced everything back to normal, even put new jubilee clips on the feed and return fuel pipes.

Fuel was now still appearing around and from under the white tab, seeping onto the top of the tank without the engine running?

I kept mopping it up, until it had gone.

Then took it for a drive and when I parked up to have a look at the result, there was still a lot of fuel present on the fuel tank top left hand side near the white plastic tab!

As for the fuel level, it is way below the top of the tank or anywhere near the right hand side white outer tab - see pics

All the pipes are clean, nothing leaking from them, when the engine is running and not running - see pics

The black ring is tight and nothing is leaking from that either - engine running or not running.

Some one suggested that the 'pump' could be spraying fuel up in the direction of the white tab area??

Causing the leak?

Or could the plastic outer circular ring that is located in the top mouth of the tank that the pump and seal sits in is cracked by the white tab area?

Is that white circular plastic part replaceable?

Whilst taking the pics the camera flash also exposed what looks like a broken plastic item in the bottom of the tank - I will fish it out tomorrow and see if the pump is missing any broken bits.

Anyone any ideas or experienced this before?

Finally, could it be the 'pressure' in the fuel tank causing the fuel to appear??

As the person who made the opening thread, suggested that the fuel tank has to be depressurized, before dismantling??

So when reassembling the parts, there must be some sort of pressure build up in the tank when the engine is ran?



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Evening all..

Did you ever get to the bottom of this fuel leak?

After removing the carpet and inspection plate on my '06 Freelander TD4 earlier today I think I have exactly the same issue as you've decribed here. I was just about to order a new fuel pump locking ring (as per advice on another thread)... but then found yours... would be good to hear how you got on?

RE: Mat

As I mentioned the vehicle I bought had a 'new' pump fiited by an inexperienced owner who didn't install it correctly and I don't think he bought a 'new' rubber seal to go with the pump!

When I initially inspected the leak I took off the top plate that covers the pump the locking ring was free - it hadn't been tightened properly after being fitted!

Basically the leak was caused by the top ring that locks the fuel pump not being tight enough, may have been crossed threaded?

It took a few attempts to get right when I did it.

I bought a new rubber seal and new jubilee clips beforehand to be sure.

Push down on the locking ring with reasonable force and rotate smoothly until the ring becomes tight, then apply a little extra force to rotate a liitle further until tight - (I used a small block of wood, tapping it with a hammer, against one of the raised ridges on the locking collar ring, until it was tight).

Leave the top cover off, fill up your tank (near full) and go for a drive and check the results.

The 'rubber seal' is the cause and the 'incorrect tightness' of locking ring!

Also apply and use new jubilee clips where possible too.

That's all I did, when I was happy I put everything back together.

All the best ;)

Any problem of this nature is the rubber seal that fits under the locking collar, under tightened locking collar!
Had a similar problem after I changed the pump/sender unit had a leak at the garage immediately after filling up in and out it came 3 or 4 times checking the seal to no avail then I filled it up at home and watched where it was coming from, lo and behold the new unit I had purchased had a blanking bung on the outlet pipe on top of the sender unit and it was peeing out of there, so as I rarely throw anything away I checked the original unit and it had a blanking plug with a spring clip fitted I removed it and fitted it to the new unit HEY PRESTO no leak the new unit had a dust plug which was not a proper blanking plug...........Stupid mistake on my part but so easy to take it for granted that it was what it seemed..............derrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

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