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My mate has a 2004 Freelander TD4 HSE. While driving it today it seems to have blown the turbo, smoked like a good un and no power.
Any suggestions of a place around Gloucestershire where he can source a replacement?
The recovery guy had a look and confirmed it was the turbo that has gone :(
hi all,just registered.
my freelander seemed to lose power and when I looked in the rear mirror,i could see black smoke and it was losing power so I pulled over.
I checked the usual hoses as I have had these go before and seemed ok but wasn't too far from my destination,i continued for another 5 miles and when reaching a roundabout the the smoke behind me was horrendous,white smoke so much I had never seen before.again pulled over and my oil light then started to flash so I turned the engine off and added some oil to the engine.i then started the engine and allowed to tick over for around 30 seconds and smoke was pouring out while idling.i did try to rev it a little and the revs came down very slowly,turned the engine off and now will not turn over at all.
breakdown mechanic came and said the turbo had gone,engine was not seized and the smoke was due to the oil in the engine being sucked through and burnt by the turbo.
so I guess its new turbo time......
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Just done one of these last week. Not too bad, but it's an IRD out job, and a bit fiddly

Turbos range from £300 for an aftermarket recon, to £700 for an OEM item. Allow best part of a day's work to replace it
Just done one of these last week. Not too bad, but it's an IRD out job, and a bit fiddly

Turbos range from £300 for an aftermarket recon, to £700 for an OEM item. Allow best part of a day's work to replace it
thanks for the reply,i am going to remove my old turbo and match it up with the right serial numbers,found a recon turbo with 2 years warranty for £320 so that looks favourite at the moment.
ive had my freelander now for just over 6 years and has been a very reliable truck,its done just over 180,000 miles and before the turbo problems the only other problem I have had is the slave clutch cylinder went so had new clutch fitted,other than that its been a very reliable truck.
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