
New Member
Evening all, here`s my first newbie question.
The rear window on my freelander (the one on the tailgate) goes up and down but if i want it to stop halfway down or somewhere thats not totally up or down it wont do it, is this how it should be or is mine playing up? I would like to get all the niggly bits sorted out before my 3 month land rover warranty runs out.
Thanks for any replies in advance,
think it's supposed to be like this to protect the glass. fully up, it's supported by the frame at the top, fully down it's inside the rear door.

if it was only halfway up, could be under stress
it goes half way on my moms hippo. it will only stop half way if you press up when its going down
Thanks for the replies, our boxerdog is going to have to get used to a drafty ride now and then (we have got a dog guard so she cant fall out).
I know its early days but i`m well impressed with the handling and ride quality of this motor.

Thanks for the replies, our boxerdog is going to have to get used to a drafty ride now and then (we have got a dog guard so she cant fall out).
I know its early days but i`m well impressed with the handling and ride quality of this motor.


Apparently it shouldn't be driven with it down because fumes will get through the back. I'm not sure if this is entirely true though, just what I've been told. I'm sure someone will clarify whether I'm right or wrong.

It was supposedly designed so that you can put stuff in the back without having to open the door. I originally thought it was so that rear passengers could fire at tailgaters with water pistols or paint ball guns while on a motorway, but apparently not...

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When the window is down we get a smell of fumes in our TD4 but not in our L-series...
When my rear screen is down, I do get fumes, even with the recommended blower working. :(
But, a greater concern is that it shuts itself without warning. I am a bit concerned that if I have the screen down with a long item through the door, it will shut, trap the item and shatter the glass.......:eek:

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